Et Tu, Brute,The Barber Beefcake?
You knows I totally loves the women, I fell hard in love with Ciarán Hinds and his Gaius Julius Caesar salad dressing on TV’s Rome. We all knew the ides of March were coming, but I was hoping the writers would change their minds AND history and let him live, with the help of another Brutus. Maybe they’ll bring him back next season in flashbacks like Big Pussy on The Suckpranos, or give him a spin-off show where he eats grapes and rocks abacuses in the afterlife. Regardless, the show will suffer without the Hinds next year. Farewell my mos flavorite tyrant who’s hairstyle I rock

100 BCE – 2005
• Redskins blow
• Cuthies’ gearin up for England 2007, and we all would still bone her
• Czech out this highly Jewish trailer for Bee Season, co-starring the artist former known as the Thinker‘s mum
• Make your mark on the Martine McCutcheon Online GuestMap, cause you know you want to
• Episode III, abridged in lame, yet semi-amusing audio format [d-lode, via Glitter Glids]
• Coverpop
• And although it has jumped the shark, T-giving is and will always be the Jewish Christmas (cause Hannukah blows almost as much as the Redskins). So in honor of turkey, pies, and thighs, along with Gaius JC, I’m taking the rest of the week off (but anything can happen, so don’t quoth me on dat). MAZEL toast and rasin toast. Until we meat again, Reuben Droughns home and…