A Weekend WithoutThe Redskins Is LikeA Weak End To A WeekOr Something, & STUFF!

Freaking of, I think it was about thyme we had ourselves another one of dem Photoshop me corn head contests!!! This time there’s a theme: HISTORY. So take this, and these broken wings, learn to fly again, and let the magic begin. Winner gets a package of FUN stuff!! All submissions are due by next Thursday, the 26th by 11:01 PM EST (right after TV’s Invasion ends, and the William Fitchner fanta-sees begin!)
PHEWWWWWWW!!!! Call off Leonard Smalls!!! The Arizona (née Huffhines) quintuplets are safe para todos los dias!!!
I heart you Kaitlin Cooper
Gunnar and Matthew Nelson (aka Nelson) will be performing some of their father Ricky’s songs after a screening of a doc about his life, which was directed by Taylor Hackford, who is far from being a hack, at the Musée d’Tele & Radio next Tuesday. No word if there’ll be a Father Dowling Mysteries reunion with T-Bos and Gunnar and M-dawg’s sister Tracy, who was sorta like the OG Michelle Gellar
Why does the Archdukes ‘Outsiders’ [d-lode] sound like a lamer 2005 NEW EDITION (DeVoe) of Oingo Boingo [wma proof] ?
Sometimes I forget funny things, and sometimes Ms Ism remembers them for me
And if yer able to bring yer cpu into the shitter then Wikipedia(the fastest growing bestness site in the solar system (next to NUH.8k.com)’s Borat entry is the greatest shitter matz since Strunk & White AND Blanche Knott!!!! I mean, where else you gonna learn that the man who’s sister was awarded ‘best sex in mouth’ by the Almaty Chamber of Commerce has never washed his trademark suit? Or since Borat.KZ PTFO (peaced the fork out) that it has since been reborn as Borat.TV? Or mos pier one importantly: BORAT could be MAHIR 2.0. The similarities are so similar that this case that was never opened is now closed.

Kids, this Sunday marks the 2nd to last weekend of FOOOTBALLL(!?go steel-town?!) til the dog daze of summer roberts. Lettuce all revel in America’s FINEST sport (not up for debate cause the NBA blows goats, cept they do have those Ali G spots) and get more blottoed than Joe Namath humping Suzie Kolber’s leg. I KISS YOU!!!