Swan's Song

Frieden Die Gabel Heraus
Peace The Fork Out
John H. Lebzelter
Jack Warden

1920 – 2006

phast phacts

+ won an Emmy for playing Bears’ coach George Halas in TV’s Brian Song. And some randomness of randomness: the interior used for Gale Sayers’ house in the movie was actually the set for Darrin and Samantha’s house from Bewitched, which, on the 3rf episode ever, Jack had a bit part on
+ starred in 3 movies with Warren Beatty, Shampoo, Bulworth, & Heaven Can Wait, and mcnabbed Oscar noms for 2 of em
+ his (uncredited) film debut, You’re in the Navy Now [trailer], was also the first cinema trip out for Lee Marvin AND Charles Bronson
+ was the hat-ed Juror #7 in ’57 Lumet directed 12 Angry Men, which was played by Carlos M at the Hamilton Theater
+ along with the great Gilbert Gottfried, they were the only actors to star in all three Problem Child movies. No word if Junior hooked either of them up with Samples concert tix
+ his (former) wife Vanda Dupre was the title character in the Three StoogesFifi Blows Her Top
+ OG last name ‘Lebzelter‘ is German for ‘honey-cake baker
+ I heart Jack Warden cause he’s always that guy in those movies

photo by Peter Tangen
most phacts stolen from DB Sweeney’s brother

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