Dave ‘Blitz’ Krieg’s Hale Bopp
Tron Guy, in costume, goes on a date [vid] + many other Tron Guy vids [Nipsy Newbsy]
F%cking Nazi and his museum that I’d like to POOP on
F$cking Nazis who’d I poop on [NSFW]
Mel Gibson, f#cking Nazi who should have poo thrown on him if he’s the keynote speaker at Yom Kippur
Italia GQ‘s Top(less) 125 [NSFW via GM]
tons o’ Keeley, non-soaking wet edish [NSFW]
and the gayest opening with the gayest song to the gayest movie starring the gayest Guttenberg mt everest…
Bow Nas: the Raconteurs get Gnarly