I Left My Life In San Francisco
The Bridge
A Troubled Bridge Over Water
The Golden Gate bridge is not only a thang of unheralded man-made beauty, but also the most popular destination for suicide in our world. The bridge’s odd ying-yang personality prompted filmmakers Eric Steel and Raymond Wood to roll 2 separate cameras for every day of 2004. They ended up capturing almost all of the 2 dozen deaths, and the failed attempts as well. And while we get a lot of insight into why some of these unhappy folk did what they did, thru endless interviews with their family and friends or in the one case, a survivor(!), we also get to see the plunges firsthand. That may sound about as delightful as watching all four Faces of Death back to back, but I guarantee that you too will experience the mos uncomfortable thrill of watching these people end their lives, with no big splatters, blood, or guts anywhere in sight. A week’s gone by, but I haven’t been able to shake this doc from my mind. For a very private moment in someone’s life, I got to take a peep in. Seems a bit unfair, but isn’t the whole point of cinema voyeurism?
Unsatisfied with this?: Netflix Hitch’s SF set tale Vertigo [trailer]
IMDb Sweeney: co-director Steel produced the random trio of Angela’s Ashes, Bringing Out the Dead, and the Samuel L versh of Shaft
Apt MPupil3: I know this is wiggida wiggida wack, but Kriss Kross’ ‘Jump‘ [d]
John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Breast In Show
The Bridge opens this Friday in NYC, LA, Chi-town, and snatch, SanFran
until next thyme, the balcony is clothed…