It Tastes Like Burning

Where’s the Shia LaBeef? How bout in 3 Indy Jones spin-off movies
Where’s the Siamese Dream cover twins?
Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant talk about The Extras one-off special and you wanking to them
biggestestestist non-story story of the day floatin round the interwebs: Winona Ryder on the cover of Vogue
Bandwagon Boy lives on… in message board-dumb
Fucoustic, an acoustic Fugazi cover band from Austria [istDC]
+ screencaps from the game
the only time the words ‘the police’ and ‘downloading’ belong together: plenty o mp3 goodness from some of the Police’s reunion shows!
Top 10 Weirdest and Funniest Japanese Condoms
video game evolution
Give me back my Google: Google results without the annoying affiliate links
Репортаж – Как мы Ñпали в ПарижÑком метро (Ивкин фотик)
One Smoke Ring to Rule them All
Tisdale, the land that probably loves the Jodi Foster sex-comedy The Accused
Breast Lift Before and After Pictures
Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures
Breast Augmentation Before and After Pictures
[all NSFW via Carpetfresh]

The Tampon Shooter