Lost Is Found

Been watchin A&E’s The Two Coreys? Well, if you braved it past the first couple o’ snoozeoriffic eps, you’ll know that there’s been much gold goin round ever since that one ep aired, where Haim, Feldman and other Frog brother, Jamison Newlander, reunited for the 20th annie verse airy of The Lost Boys. Haim, who’s been struggling more than Joe Namath standing next to Suzy Kolber, to get his career back on track, was desperate to get a Lost Boys sequel made… that is until Feldman broke the bad news that Warner Bros already had plans for straight-to-video sequel and didn’t want Haim anywhere near it

Well, a week or so after that ‘sode hit the airways, new news has hit the nets that has turned mo frowns upside down than Lionel Kiddie City/Playland: accordin to ShockTillYouDrop.com, Feldman, Newlander AND Haim are all in for the second round, which starts filming next Monday! Snot only that, but Keifer Sutherland’s half-brother Angus will fang it up as the lead vampire! Sounds too awful…y good 2 be true. Lettuce juss pray that there’ll be at least twice as much ‘death by stereo’ in this new adventure
previously on the OC:
Wolfman’s Got Nards Turns 20!!!!
+ bonus poop
Corey Haim – Me, Myself, and I & X-Ent’s review of it
for the record, Feldman and Sean Astin love each other
The Thrills – ‘Whatever Happened To Corey Haim?’