Things Wide Shut

1) we still JO to yer 12-year old boy body knightley [Soup-er-fish-haul]
2) Skins, still alive by the hairs of their chinny chin chins. In Todd Collins we trust drink Tom Collinses. Norman Chad still beerlarious
3) more lawsuits = even more free Borat movie publicity
4) juss cause these NSFW beauties aint of Tiger Woods’ trophy wife doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your pants around your ankles right now
5) juss dem good ol’ boys toys

[Catalog Finds]
6) Kirsten Dunst, alive and bowling
7) Mathieu Amalric will make a flawsome Bond villian, and regardless of how thumcredible Christian Bale is, he won’t be able to bail out the Terminator franchise
8) want Galaga quilt, need Gallagher to quit
9) sure, blame finals week!
10) happy 33rd burstday to you Megan Martha White and yer slip sloppy jaloppy poppies!! although we’re sad to report that in these uncertain days & lays we’re more hot to trot for your NSFW fake sex taper than you

10.5) and this justin…

[Wizard/Spakula Da Foola]