I Am Legend
Last Man Standing Room Only
Trailers & Mo

If there’s anything more adorable than a dog licking Will Smith’s face while he’s crying, well, we don’t want to know about it. But if the winter popcorn flick (the third adaptation of Richard Matheson’s novel of the same name… the first two being the Vincent Priced Last Man On Earth and the Charlton Hestoned Omega Man) in which that occurs had an alternate ending that would hold up better than the whatevs dot snore one they went with, then yes sir e bob, we do want to know about it. Are we asking too much of a big budgeted CGI-fest starring Will Smith? Normally, we’d say yes, yet I Am Legend actually has some brains goings on, to complement the brawn, that we were expecting a conclusion with juss a little more bite. Beyond the hamazin’ visuals of seeing NYC empty and filled with weeds and wild animals, there’s much to enjoy in the first 2/3rds of this film, even if most of it centers on Will chit-chatting with a dog and a bunch of mannequins (sorry, but there’s no Kim Cattrall cameo here). The last third is fine, but when you think of other recent post apocalyptic pics that had ended as well as it began, like Children of Men and 28 Days Later, one feels kinda slighted. Guess Akiva Goldsman, who also wrote the screenplay for the Will starring I, Robot, had nowhere else to go but frown. Although it aint his fault that the virus-infected ghouls running amok in Manhattan were a lamer and less gayer version of the robot from their first I collaboration. Maybe the two should pair up on a lighter I joint… say a do-over of I Spy?
I Am Rip Off: From the production company that brought you Snakes On A Train, Transmorphers and The Da Vinci Treasure, comes another timely cashing in straight-to-video poopfest, I Am Omega
John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): despite the terdish last thirdish, tis still Jeepers Mos Def Worth Del Peepers
Rental Round-Up Dawg: The Princess Bride celebrated it’s 20th b-day earlier this year, but if you read this site, you already know dis! But do you own the DVD? Chances are, you already do, since it was released twice before, but this go around has different extras, including a look back where Mandy Patinkin gets a bit emotional. And how could he not when he worked on one of the greatest films of the past 20 years! There’s also a preview for the upcoming game, but by the look and sound of it, it feels about as necessary as eating at The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co restaurant. The best treats aren’t even on the actual DVD. First was a lil ad insert featuring some purty cool shirts available at Steve & Barry’s, and the second? The title treatment on the box that reads the same when you turn it upside down! WOOOOAH!!!

until next thyme the balcony is clothed…