Whitney Port of Entry

Things we thinged from the season pre-shmear of The Hills

[Kid Papz]

– Whitney P may not be a rocket scientologist, but she’s definitely smarter than a lotta bricks, which can’t be said for moist of her castmates, hispecially comrade Conrad, who again and again chooses the wrong spork in the road. we’re crossing our fingers on a Hills spin-off where WP kisses women’s necks non-stop for 30 minutes

– the only way Spencer coulda felt more unwelcome by the Montags was if they had an unwelcome mat in front of their house

Teen Vogue ♥’s smiles

– super cool European looking dude Matthias Cadéac d’Arbaud and his band Rock&Roll totally wish they were the the Lost Boys

– no one knows how to party in France like Ben Franklin does

– they need to somehow work Emily Blunt’s Devil Wears Prada character into the show. there’s no comic relief and she could provide it while the girls attend a ‘hideous skirt convention’

– although Audrina didn’t make an appearance on the show, we did get to hear her voice. we bet that 192% of the men watching the show imagined her naked while she attempted to form things that we like to call sentences

– would it really hurt the girls to say ‘bonjour’ or ‘merci’ while in Paris? 5 bucks sez they ate at McDonalds on the Champs-Élysées, but they refused to air the footage

– Crested Butte needs a sister city called Crusty Butt

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