A Peace of Americana
‘That Dumpy 70s’
‘Which Really Wasn’t All That Great Anymo Cept It Had
an UTZ Ad In The Outfield
and The Bestest Bowling Alley/Bar/Snackbar Mt Everest
Across The Street’1923 1976 – 2008
+ NFL great who smelled like Upshaw
Pink Floyd’s ivory tickler
Killer Kowalski
Peanuts animator
Kevin Duckworth and his duckbutter
R&B inventor
‘In A World’ trailer voice over guy
Fletch author
Glory Roader
first line speaker in Gone With the Wind
the inspiration for Jaws
world’s tallest woman
last of the Steinways
Infinite Jester
‘Tutti Frutti’ drummer
and get ready for a sirprize…
the explodin head in
Total Recall

1938 – 2008