The Soundtrack of Our Thighs
Have no the fear, cause the Queen of myspaces and your spaces and our spaces and outer spaces (and of trading Trading Places trading cards), Lily Allen hath returns, and lemwe tell you, them returns are many happy. herr not sloppy seconds album, It’s Not Me, It’s You, dropszzz today so dropzsss your wallet and your pants and buys it or ELSE!
and while you gnaw (pronounced ‘g-naw’) on that above choice album, here’s a past from the blast, which is possibly quite is the greatestiestest cover version album mt EVERest:
Leighton Mr Meester may do a mean cover version of Kim Carnes ‘Bette Davis Eyes’, but Alvin, Simon and Theodore do an evener meanererer cover version of it [d] + many many other choice cuts of cut choices. even the cover version album’s album cover is geniusesess
pee es – we knew Woz knew how to rock, but can he dance?
pee es 2 – we’ve broken down and started a conway twitter thing
pee es 3 – Kim Carnes should not be confused with Kin Korn Karn