48 Peace Dinner Set

Forks Out 2
our mos flavorite
waitress of balls thyme

1928 – 2009?

when the 2nd Ave Deli closed and was reborn as the 2nd 2nd Ave Deli, longtime fixture Diane K most sadly didn’t make the cut. she and a few of her other unlucky co-workers filed an age discrimination suit, which they eventually won, although she didn’t live to see it or any of the settlement monies (that’s how we found out about her death). the whole ordeal was a cryin shame, considering that she’s the mos memorable waitress we, and probably many others, ever had the pleasure to have met. for a ye olde lady with blindingly bright painted fingernails and a bouffant that never stopped, she sure got around, and rocked out the bestest/corniest lines whilst serving you, like when she would drop off yer Matzo Ball soup and say “I’ll be the pourer, you’ll be the richer“, or handing you the bill and quippin’, “Where there’s a will, there are relatives“. her words of wisdom will forever be etched in our minds and in our farts, and some of them can be found in the 2nd Avenue Deli Cookbook: Recipes and Memories from Abe Lebewohl’s Legendary Kitchen. breast in peace Ms Kassner, for life was so much richer with you in it, and now, it will be so much poorer w/o you

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