Double Take
Torn Curtain Call
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
Alfred Hitchcock loved the idea of the double. It was a theme that ran through many of his films, including Vertigo, Strangers On A Train and Shadow of A Doubt. It is also the theme, doubled and doubled again, times 2, and then some in the highly fascinating, thighly experimental Double Take, by Belgian filmmaker and artist Johan Grimonprez and writer Tom McCarthy. And no, this has nothing to do with the 2001 ‘action/comedy’ starring Eddie Griffin and Orlando Jones. What it has to do with is with death, fear, paranoia, television, consumerism, communism, capitalism and Folger’s Coffee, all playing against each other and with each other in a hot & cold war of our world. Crimonprez and McCarthy crazily juxtapose existing footage from Hitchcock’s films, promotional material and his hosting duties on his own eponymous TV show, with Cold War era news clips (Nixon and Khrushchev loom large) and… Folger’s Coffee commercials, with newly constructed pieces featuring a Hitchcock a impersonator and a faux narrator (who’s not very good at sounding like Hitchcock). I confess that this aint for the birds, or for every man for that matter, but don’t be the wrong man who knew too little and be the one who knows too much. Grab a rope, head north by northwest and let yerself get lost and found up in the notorious, spellbinding frenzy of Alfred Hitchcock’s mind, and the doubled troubled one that Grimonprez and McCarthy have dreamt up for him on his behalf
Gooooooooooood Evening: make every evening a goooooood one, by watching eps of Alfred Hictchock Presents for free on Hulu. tis one of the finest shows to ever grace a television screen
Verdictgo: Mos Def Jeepers Worth A Peepers
Double currently takes it in NY only at the Film Forum
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…