if yer travels bring you to our nation’s capital this winter, do yerself a mad flavor and czech out the Arcimboldo eggzibit at the National Gallery, but maybe even morerer importantly, head on over to the American Art Museum (secretly one of the country’s bestest) to peep the off the meat rack AND chain AND meat beat manifesto work of Alexis Rockman!!  his last name sez it all: man who rocks!!!!
Disney World I, 2005, oil on wood
Pond’s Edge, 1987, oil & acrylic on canvas
Airport, 1997, Envirotex, digitized photo, vacuum-formed styrofoam with aluminum finish, plasticine, Laughing Gull specimen, and oil paint on wood
Mount Rushmore, 2005, oil on wood
Golf Course, 1997, Envirotex, digitized photo, trash, Astroturf, golf balls, golf club, soil, cast plastic human femur, and oil paint on wood
Sea World, 2001-04, oil & acrylic on wood panel
shiz rocks, man!!!!
& so does Arci
who was getting crazy with the cheez whiz in the 16th century!!!
click fruit man for mo amazinessness!!!