Do Judge A Book By It’s Cover
Bogart’s Face – a book with no context, description, or listed author. every page is a picture of Humphrey Bogart!!!!
buy me one, pleaz
The Royal Tenen-Gones
Peace The Forks Out
Mr LittleJeans / Pagoda
Mercury 7 minus one moreÂ
He(the)Man (who was mad) Fat (but not named) Albert
Foley artist of politics
he was ain’t no Bum
he was everyone’s oily Bud
the Viet-MAN
he was the like Euclid for the blind
some actor
some movie critic
he got this shot
he brought gas to the Pogues
she was like the female Eli Whitney or something
Motown mentor
he was universal
some French dude
some Italian dude
some dude who loved the Today show way too much
dude on Topps card #1
and somehow we missed this, years ago…
Professor Falkon / the voice of WOPR in WarGames
Judge A Book’s Cover By Its Cover Part II
what’s the only thing more-er crazy/sexy/cool than those funcredible Choose Your Own Adventure books?
cept they were those faux BS ones called Find Your Fate
but who cares what they were called or what was on the inside cause on the outside was Harrison Ford’s face in more Indiana Jones adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Â WE HATE READING BUT WE’D READ ANYTHING WITH HARRISON FORD’S FACE ON THE COVER WITH PROMISES OF MORE INDIANA JONESÂ ADVENTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOULDN’T EVEN CARE IF THE ADVENTURES WERE JUSS HIM TAKING A DUMP!!!!!!
perv-e-usly -Â