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Judge A Book’s Cover By Its Cover

Roger Hane (1939–1974) was an illustrator of paperback books, commercial advertising campaigns, and record albums, known for his surreal, fanciful art. During his eleven-year professional career, Hane produced over three hundred illustrations. He painted the covers of the 1970 Collier-Macmillan editions of CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia books

which means he’s the greatest illustrator of book covers EVER cause they is was are the greatest book covers EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

when wees was youngs, our mom forced us to go to the library, and every damns trip we made, we’d stare at these here there Hane Narnia covers 9ever, wondering what magic lied within.  of course we didn’t bother to ever actually open the books and read em, cause how could the contents be betterer than them covers?????


MORE MAGIC BY HANE!!!!!!!!!!!!


[this is basically a repost of a 2005 post, but with much bigger pics cause the internets have since gotten bigger pics]



Peace The Forks Out


Ray Douglas

Outta This World & Time


August 22, 1920 — June 5, 2012

+ Mr Platter


Who The Wild Thing Was

Peace The Forks Out


Maurice Bernard

All Hands On


June 10, 1928 – May 8, 2012

Sendak is the author of my four favorite kids books EVER – Chicken Soup With Rice, Alligators All Around, Pierre and One Was Johnny. when someone I know gives birth to a child, the Nutshell Library four-pack of them titles is my go to gift for that newborn (+ this animated DVD & the Carol King songs!). I do this cause I want this new generation of kids to grow up in the world of Sendak wonder and weirdness, and not in one filled with kiddy crap about farting dogs and other poop.  You may regard Where The Wild Things Are as Sendak’s best work, but you’re just plain wrong, cause wild rumpuses are nothing compared to eating chicken soup every month of the year, alligators imitating Indians, not caring and then learning how to care, and knowing who #1 is (Johnny)



some leading lady none of us know

JFK dead body examiner 

ski gogglerer

Tapestry weaver

film lover

one of only two players to hit three home runs in World Series Game 7s

the falling bear

Nixoner who would walk over his own grandmother

he made burritos fly

a total slot

cheezie guy

Fisher’s Popcorn popper


the man who said ow


A Boy’s Bates Friend
Is His Master

the girl in Alfred Hitchcock’s shower was Marli Renfro

The Girl in Alfred Hitchock’s Shower is the latest book by Zodiac author Robert Graysmith

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