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I was lucky enough to grow up with an older brother who was James Bond obsessed.  He watched all of the movies on VHS (rented from Erols), and since I was around with little choice in the matter, I watched them too, and equally became obsessed 

Boys of all ages gravitate to James Bond – suave, debonair, cunning, a true man’s man (of the olden times), and a man all boys want to become and all men wish they were

There is no discussion – the best Bond is Sean Connery.  He IS 007, and so much more.  (however the best Bond movie EVER is On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, which Sean isn’t even in!)

I have always been in love with graphic t-shirts.  When I first started working part-time jobs during my young high school days, one item I always was happy to spend my meager earnings on were tees (as well as CDs  and Popeyes and cigarettes)

I use to take the Metro to Georgetown in DC and ogle at the shirts on display at Smash Records and Commander Salamander (sadly, no longer with us). One of those very first tees I bought after ogling with my newly found purchasing power was one that looked VERY much like the one you see here – and below the Walther PPK carrying Mr Connery, the words ‘Bond, James Bond’ appeared.  So fcuking cool!  At least I thought it was

I was happy and proud to display Sean/James’ beautiful mug when I sported this shirt round town.  Everyone had to be reminded and remember Connery’s greatness, then and now, and now more than ever

Sadly, white shirts and messy me never seemed to have a lasting relationship.  Stains, both on the shirt, and under its pits made it not worth keeping over time.  It has since been donated or tossed a decade or so ago  

The shirt, and Sean, may both be gone, but they will both always be with me.  I will never wear them out in my mind and in my heart

Thank you Sean.  You were pure class.  And your accent was perhaps the best that ever was 

And you were the man, now, then and for always, dog

man talk


2 Vast, 2 Laborious

8 Fast 8 Furious (The Fate of the Furious)
The DEFLATE of the Furious
Official Site | Trailer & Mo
PG-13 | 136 min

Welcome to 8 Fast 8 Furious!

(previously – #4 / #5 / #6 / #7)

And so long my unquestioned love of the Furious films!

Wait, what????

Yep, the Fate of The Furious may have sealed it’s fate by reaching a point of no return.  It may NEVER be able to return to the days of pure dumb fun, and may just keeping going (of course it will keep going), minus the fun – aka, pure DUMB

HOW IS IT SO??!?!??!?!

I dunno, but when did our beloved hot-head car racers turn into SEAL Team Six meets G.I. Joe????????????????

is this picture from 8 Furious or G.I. Joe? is there even a difference??

Why do they have to stop Bond villains from stealing bombs, on ice???

is this picture form 8 Fast or that awful Bond flick Die Another Die?

When did it become the Fast crew’s job to do things above their pay grade, and above what they really need to be doing – which is juss drive cars, fast, and impress fast hot chicks!  

And when did the bad guys all become fairytale cyberterrorists???

WTF Fast and Furious?  

And where did the humor go?  Sure, Tyrese has some good lines (one in particular, when trying to read Cyrillic Russian), and Jason Statham makes cute baby talk, but whoever is writing the one-liners should be given a one-way ticket to be buried alive.  What, was the guy who wrote the Running Man screenplay buried alive and not available?

Is this what happens with Paul Walker’s character walks away??  You have to go bigger and worse???  Or you have to have more scenes of talking, and less scenes of driving???  I mean the remote controlled car scene was INSANE, but, what is going on here?  Maximum Overdrive IN OVERDRIVE????

I mean, I feel that the road we’re headed on – 9 Fast 9 Furious will find our beloved crew saving the Earth from aliens!!!!  

and of course I’ll be there to witness it.  juss please make it fcuking good.  PLEASE!! and dump the stuff that doesn’t belong that is making Fast seriously slow

Verdictgo: the lowest that Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badges goes

I am furious at Furious, currently at a theater near jews AND white nationalists

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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