Tag Archives: 1970s

Thinking Outside The Big Box – So BEST

BEST was the best.  they were like the Best Buy of their time.  little did I know that at one point, they also had THE best buildings EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the architectural firm SITE created 9 unique buildings for BEST

best peel

best peeling 1971

Peeling Project, Richmond, Virginia, 1971

best texas 1974

best bricks

Intermediate Facade Building, Houston, Texas, 1974

best sac

best sac2

Notch Showroom, Sacramento, California, 1977

best tilt towson

best tilt

Tilt Showroom, Towson, Maryland, 1978

best cutler ridge

best broken

Cutler Ridge Showroom, Miami, Florida, 1979

best best best2

best best best

Anti-Sign, Ashland, Virginia, 1979

best rainforest

best rainforest2

Hialeah Rainforest Showroom, Hialeah, Florida, 1979

best forest

forest showroom2

Forest Showroom, Richmond, Virginia, 1980

best outside

best inside out

Inside/Outside Building, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1984

unknown location, Washington DC area

sadly, none of those buildings look like that anymore, eggcept for the Forest Showroom one which is now a church!!!!!

forest today


but SITE wasn’t the only firm to make BEST buildings

best flowers

best flowers2+

Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi - Langhorne, Pennsylvania, 1978

sadly, these guys were never built!

best parking lot

Parking Lot Building by SITE, 1977

best didnt happen4

1977 — Anthony J. Lumsden

best didnt happen2

The Earth, the Temple, and the Goods (unbuilt), 1979 — Robert A.M. Stern

best didnt happen3

1979 — Charles W. Moore

best didnt happen

1979 — Michael Graves

best didnt happen 5

1979 — Allen Greenberg

check out this short documentary on the BEST stores designed by SITE. directed and produced by Howard Silver

h/t Wandrlust | Arqueologia del Futuro | Cultural Ghosts | Super Rad Now

best short

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