Tag Archives: 1970s

Make Basketball, Not Love

bball kiss

even though basketball is supposed to be a non-contact sport, Tom Zeimantz, #13 of the University of Hawaii at Hilo seems to be the recipient of a mid-game kiss from Dan Masariu, #22, of Franklin College, Indiana. Masariu was diving for the ball when he landed on Zeimantz. The match was during his first round, of the NAIA 41st Annual National Basketball Tournament. Hawaii won 76-74 advancing to the second round

Kansas City, March 15, 1978, by Jose M More


check out these 20th century foxes!!!

20th century foxes

Group photo of the 20th Century Fox basketball team,  March 19, 1940

Back row, from left to right – Ken Redding, Roy Lovitt, Frank Lubin, Carl Knowles, Bob Brown, and Bud Fisher, manager

Front row, from left to right – Don Morgan, John Carroll, Art Mollner, and Jack Hupp


[top via ebay / bottom via lapl]

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Directors Group, November 1972 – George Cukor hosts a party for Luis Buñuel

dir group 3 dir group2 dir group

back row from left – Robert Mulligan, William Wyler, George Cukor, Robert Wise, Jean-Claude Carriere and Serge Silverman

front row from left – Billy Wilder, George Stevens, Luis Buñuel, Alfred Hitchcock and Rouben Mamoulin

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