Tag Archives: Bill Cunningham

Kicked The Puckett

Peace The Forks Out


Mr Hockey

gordie howe american flag

gordie hjowe

the howes

howe whalwers

gordie howe still plays

gordie howe today

cameron howe ferris


Buddy Ryan

buddy ryan bears thumbs

buddy ryan goal post

buddy ryan eagles sideline

the ryans

buddy ryan sons

buddy and bill


Pat Summitt

pat and son

pat summitt court

pat summitt usa

summitt court

pat summitt cheerleader


Anton Yelchin

yelchin ducks

anton yelchin




Elephants from Ringling Bros

Pink Panther‘s Cato

founding member and namer of The Beastie Boys

keyboardist for Parliament/Funkadelic and Talking Heads

The Tony Kornheiser (Radio) Show


mr ed

Prince Be of PM Dawn

Kimbo Slice

last of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast crew

Equus and Amadeus penner

co-wrote Full Metal Jacket screenplay

he made us say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one of THE last survivors of Vaudeville

Vera from ‘Alice’

Judy Jetson & Josie of the Pussycats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

judy jetson

the guy literally in ALF

Groundhog Day‘s b&b owner

Billy Bob from Varsity Blues

‘Romper Room’s’ Miss Mary Ann

Food Lion co-founder

Yasgur’s farm son

New Yorker tooner

original Met

‘Waltons’ actress

wrote for Jerry Lewis

she was in a league of her own

she beehived the world’s hair


he did little

she had a voice

she Dick Van Dyked

Momma and Miss Peach cartoonist

Lenore La Motta in Raging Bull

Troma’s biggest action star

former Megadeth drummer

Mr Black Angus Steakhouse

the 1st Mr Patty Duke

Johnny Depp’s mom

Jennifer Aniston’s mom

Chris Noth’s mom

Bill Cunningham

some guy in Planet of the Apes

some horse dude

some Jets punter

some SF ice cream dude

some Australian film dude

some bluegrass guy

some Italian actor

some Japanimator

some mountain guy

some German actor

some vintor

some owl

some Serbian and Yugoslav actor

some Iowa radio dude

mr Othello

othello inventor

Bethesda Community Store

Minnesota’s most famous eagle

not THAT Fred Savage


the guy that gave us this



re: Views

Bill Cunningham New York
[website | buy | Netflix]

Woah, who’s that old perv above taking then sneaky shots of ladies’ legs??  Shouldn’t he be locked up, or at least have the pervy decency to wear a trench-coat?  Heck no!  That’s Mr Bill Cunningham, street fashion photographer extraordinaire, who writes shoots what he sees, and then the people see what he sees and then those sees seen sometimes become like the latest rave in threads and kicks and stuff!  It’s all true, but for those of us who don’t frequent his NY Times ‘On The Street’ thing and don’t know no nothing about all this and him and that, we should be berry thankful that Richard Press’ lovely doc Bill Cunningham New York exists.  You watch this thing and you will see a man who does nothing but work work work work, and has the best time in the world doing so, all while being beyond beloved and respected by fashionistas everywhere.  You will see a man who wants for nothing, a man who eats on the cheap even more than we do, and a man who’s majority of furniture consists of filing cabinets filled with his work.  You will also see a man who is never without a smile.  Watch it, and you will be frown-less as well.  DEVELOP THIS!!!


Ladytron – Gravity The Seducer
[website | buy | stream]

Female singers are awesomes, especially when they’ve got cool bleeps and noises and synths and shizzle ba flizzes backing them up.  That combination of sweet sweet music is one of the reasons we’ve been bobbing our heads for years to the lithe Liverpudlian ladies of Ladytron.  While their latest, Gravity The Seducer, may not be the mos rockenist album in their catalog, it may be their mos gravity seducing one.  IT’S TRUE!!!  There’s only one song we didn’t care for (‘Moon Palace’), but all the rest we cared about, a lot!!!  The first words you hear on the album are ‘Surrender with me.’  WE SURRENDERED RIGHT THEN AND THERE!!!!  That’s also true.  We’d hactually go as far to say that Gravity The Seducer is the best new album we’ve heard this year…





…out of the three we’ve listened to!



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