Tag Archives: California

Black Golden Tan

tanning oil and… oil, line the coast at Huntington Beach, 1930s 

sh!t creeps me out, and yet it’s oddly beautiful

+ this bonus oil derrick foto!

The towering oil wells of Long Beach Harbor region are reflected in high tide waters pushing over a nine-block area today. Among the 12 families that were evacuated from the stricken neighborhood were two expectant mothers. Lifeguards turned them over to the Red Cross for care. Another 30 families floated their belongings out of inundated section. photograph dated – July 19, 1951

[pics via the incredible LAPL archives]


Gunning Down The Barrel of A Look

former Los Angeles Police Chief James E Davis holding and pointing his pistol, April 19, 1930 [via the incredible LAPL]


Balk To The Future

walls come tumbling down–Its tower is the last identifying mark as once-plush Wrigley Field [in Los Angeles] succumbs to the wreckers. Playing in what used to be centerfield, where Jigger Statz once roamed, are Stanley Evans (left) and Kenneth Thompson. The home of the old Angels was built in 1923. phot by Cal Montney, Cal, March 21, 1969



Location, Location, Vocation

we presentith to you, our latest interweb adventure

Quiet On The Sets

Film & TV was shot here.  Luckily it survived

Charlton Heston screams ‘We finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you. God damn you all to hell!’ in Planet of the Apes at Point Dume’s Westward Beach, Malibu, California, 1968

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