Clear & Present Danger Mouse
Waking Sleeping Beauty
Pix Czars & Lying Kings
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
Ever see a Disney movie between the years 1984 and 1994 (or any year for that matter), and possibly even enjoy it? There’s only one answer to that question (unless you were born after 1994, and if that’s the case, we pity you) and there’s only one thing we have to tell you: do whatever you have to do to see Waking Sleeping Beauty, an incredible new documentary that summarizes the animation division’s almost death, and eventual triumphant resurrection that would even make Jesus envious. The story is easy meat to digest (watching Disney go from duds like The Black Cauldron to Best Picture Oscar nominee Beauty & The Beast), but what the real sizzle that sizzles more than a steak from Sizzler sizzling in Zzzinzzinnati is that it’s one giant behind the scenes illuminating tell-all, including all of the parties involved in the company’s success and internal power struggle, between heir to the throne Roy Disney (breast in peace!), CEO Michael Eisner and studio head Jeffrey Katzenberg. With all this juicy finger pointing and mud-slinging strewn about (although there’s plenty of nice things being said as well), it’s truly amazing that the doc was green-lit and given the blessing of the Disney company itself! While it would have been additionally interesting to chronicle the events that followed 1994 (the rise of Pixar and other rival animation studios), seeing minor glimpses of such alumni as John Lasseter, Tim Burton and Don Bluth walk the same hallowed animation halls speaks plenty unspoken volumes of what happened next outside of the Magic Kingdom. Then again, give it another decade and maybe there’ll be another killer doc to be made. We can see it now: The Emperor’s New Old Groove
Crotch Shots: a lot of tibits are awoken in Beauty, but sadly no mention of The Palace with the Phallus from The Little Mermaid. some might say the bestest Hollywood penis mystery since C-3PO snaps!
Verdictgo: Breast In Show
Beauty will be beautiful on Friday in NY/LA/SF & Chi-town only, and elsewhere elsewhen
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…