Tag Archives: Emeli Sandé

Them & The Holograms

Tidal X 10/15
Barclays Center
October 15th

I know nothing of modern music.  I was born too late to be a teen rocking out to the music of the 60s that I truly love and live for.  But here I am, in the twenty first würst century and I want to know what the kids are into.  I’ve tried to tune into the MTV Video Music Awards year after year, but I quickly tune out after realizing that this is not my cup of tea’s nutz.  Well, Jay-Z’s Tidal streaming service held a 2nd annual Tidal night of musicness, and I said, well, my wife and I like that one DNCE song, and I’ve never seen Beyoncé live, so why the hell not!

We didn’t arrive on time, so we missed probably the one and only time we’d hear Robin Thicke play live (unless he ever decides to tour with his divorced parents), and we left early, cause 4 hours may work for Bruce Springsteen, but it doesn’t work for me, so we missed out on Alicia Keys (who I had sorta heard live once before), but what we got was A LOT!!!!  Look at all these names!!!!


Who are 1/2 of the people?  I think that’s the point, and I did really enjoy all the ones who actually played an instrument – cause you could actually hear what they were playing.  Stand outs in my mind were Kevin Garrett and Emeli Sandé.  The other acts were mainly rappers, and were too loud and distorted to understand, or enjoy

As for DNCE?  WAY NICE!!!!  They were rocking!  Did I ever think I’d say that about a Jonas brother?  Well, I didn’t ever think about a lot of things, but sometimes life hands you lemons and Jonas brother bands that are actually way rocking!!


and while it was nice to see Lauryn Hill, alive, performing, and showing up in general, the showstopping showstopper of the evening was whatever Beyoncé was doing with those holograms.  Sh!t was TIGHT, and confusing, and led me to believe that maybe seeing holograms in concert, in the future, isn’t necessarily the würstest thing


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