Tag Archives: Errol Morris

Hello Journalism

Re: Joyce & Shout!
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
R | 88 min

Errol Morris is incapable of making uninteresting documentaries.  Yeah for us!!  He’s incapable cause his subjects, ranging from the wrongly accused, the wrongly abused, men of war, men of death, and even those who run pet cemeteries, are the very definition of interesting.  Add whatever Joyce McKinney is to that list.  And maybe even add her to the top of it.  Her sordid tale(s) may not be as important as the others that Morris has chronicled, but his Tabloid may certainly be his most memorable, simply because Joyce is a natural born storyteller, even if a over-embelishing one, and just one giant treasure chest of entertainment… who happens to have a giant chest… and smile!

So, who eggzactly is Joyce McKinney?  To tell you anything about her would truly ruin the fun. 9REALS!!!  She doesn’t have a wiki entry, but the news she caused back in the late 70s does [click if you must].  And it’s not even juss that event and aftermath that makes up Tabloid.  There’s another one that puts Joyce back into the trashy news limelight 30 years later, and all we’ll say is that it involves something called ‘Booger’.  So, go on and pick it, and pick this to see.  You’ll love hearing all about Joyce from Joyce (and a few others), and maybe you’ll even fall in love with her as a person, like Morris has, and us too!!!

Eclipsed By The Moon: when Joyce met Keith Moon.  why?  see the frickin doc, will ya?

Verdictgo: Breast In Show

Tabloid splash pages and screens in limited release tomorrow

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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