Monsters Inky
The Babadook
Australian Horror Story: Freaky Show
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
Not Rated | 93 min
Amelia (Essie Davis) has so many issues, she has about 12929239 subscriptions. Her husband died in a car crash, rushing to get her to the hospital for the birth of their only child. As her son Samuel (Noah Wiseman) is about to turn 7, he’s an unruly fatherless mess, and her widow-ed pain and suffering is still visible on her sullen and hollow face. Nowhere to go but down, right? Yep
Little Samuel’s being terrorized by a monster in his closet (or is it under his bed?). Mom wants him to stop being foolish, but when a dark and cruelly written book called Mister Babadook, starring her son’s boogeyman, randomly appears in their house, Amelia starts to feel spooked too. Things go bump in the night… and even during the day. Mother and son’s relationship goes from strained to tethered, and it makes their home life even bleaker than Bleak House. Is this monster for real, or is it all in their heads?????
Babadook is a super-sized version of director Jennifer Kent‘s short film Monster, which covers similar ground, so don’t watch it until AFTER you see Babadook. For a first time feature director, Kent is marvelous, and her delivery is whip-smart. She doesn’t cheat the audience with showing too much – leaving the mystery pretty much a mystery from start to finish, and lets her screen mother and son do all the work, as they work thru their grief. And they both come through brilliantly!!!! IN SPADES!!!! AND HEARTS!!! CLOVERS!!!! AND DIAMONDS!!!
Essie Davis is a revelation. She runs the gamut of emotions – from apeshit to zowsers – and I hope this puts her on Hollywood’s radar. Little Noah Wiseman is simply incredible. How a kid that young can do what he does in the film is a sight to be seen, and to be mesmerized AND scared sh!tless by. His performance is right up there with Linda Blair’s in The Exorcist and Harvey Stephens’ in The Omen. And The Babadook is thatclose in awesomeness alongside those 70s horror movies. It feels like it’s their born-too-late little brother. Better late than never. Better this than most other modern horror films!
Verdictgo: Breast In Show
Babadook dooks dooks dooks in limited release AND on-demand
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…