Tag Archives: Goofy


off to fulfill my adult dreams of still being a child at Disney World!!!!!!!!!!!

disney pluto me steve

goofy family

above – me and the fam, Summer 1982

man, I musta REALLY wanted to touch Goofy!


A New New Hope

trust me, Lucasfilm going to Disney is a good thing, even if Star Wars VII ends up suxxxxing

why?  cause any storyline is possible, and it would be a NEW storyline, not some old stories we already know the ending to (yawn), and new is exciting, while old is not  

and this time Lucas won’t have his crummy digital hands all over it to run the franchise into the ground, even furtherer than he has already done did 

thought Lucas would have to die before we saw someone else take a crack at his baby, but good things come to those who don’t wait, and I can’t wait  

we won.  Lucas lost, but also won.  we all win.  bring on the next episode, and please use actual people, places and things, and not just digital garbage

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