Tag Archives: Halloween

Way This Walk

you’ve been walkin’ with me and the perma-Thighmistress*, right???????????????


The Project Manhattan

Walking Every Single Street On The Island of Many Hills

proj man2

proj man3

proj man4

come for the photography, stay for the words



*full title for my future Queen of the Kingdom of Thighland still TBD


Who’s the Ross?

on this day in 1942, Robert Norman ‘Bob’ Ross was bornith

his Joy of Painting show was THE most relaxing 1/2 hour of television EVER.  it meant a lot to me as a child, cause I needed to chill the fcuk out cause I had/have shpilkes 

and not only could he paint, but he could feed animals!!!!!!!!!!!!

and we went as him for Halloween!!!

and there was even a black Bob Ross at Hallowanus II!

you know that learning never ends, right?  juss learned that Bob was a protégé of this guy named Bill Alexander who had his own PBS show called The Magic of Oil Painting  

there would be no Bob Ross without Bill Alexander!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks Bill.  thanks Bob.  thanks bobbed


Candy With Strangers

there is nothing boo about Halloween, well, cept for boobs!!

lady Droog costumes automatically = sexiest costumes, always & all ways

marry we

what’s your favorite candy?  ours be Starbursts, Now & Laters, Laffy Taffy and anything made by See’s 

for some reason, our mumsy was a big fan of Clark Bars.  she always bought em (+ other candies) to give away to trick or treaters, and the kids usually passed on them, which meant our household was stuck with Clark Bars for eons

damn you Clark Bars!!!!!  love you mumsy!!!!


That American Life

sometimes it’s more fun to look at other people’s family photos than yer own

Taylor Family Photos

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