Kicked The Puckett
Peace The Forks Out
Mr Hockey
Buddy Ryan
Pat Summitt
Anton Yelchin
founding member and namer of The Beastie Boys
keyboardist for Parliament/Funkadelic and Talking Heads
The Tony Kornheiser (Radio) Show
last of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast crew
co-wrote Full Metal Jacket screenplay
he made us say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one of THEÂ last survivors of Vaudeville
Judy Jetson & Josie of the Pussycats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘Romper Room’s’ Miss Mary Ann
she was in a league of her own
she beehived the world’s hair
Momma and Miss Peach cartoonist
Lenore La Motta in Raging Bull
Bill Cunningham
some guy in Planet of the Apes
some Serbian and Yugoslav actor
mr Othello
the guy that gave us this
His Girl Thighday

And the Kingdom of Thighland would like to extend some belated breastest wishes to Her Robert Royal Lady Thighness In Waiting, Camilla Belle, who recently cele-BRA-ted her 19th terday. OH LORD, how I’d love to chum-scrubb her and Chitty-Titty bang bang her in the back of Chumley’s while listening to ‘Cherub Rock’!