Missing In Action Figures
unused sculpt of a Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight action figure – Kenner, 1983
[RC Coola]
wonder if this is rarer than a wookie with boobs figure??
[RC Coola]
wonder if this is rarer than a wookie with boobs figure??
George Lucas shows Greedo how to shoot second, but of course would later change his mind and have Greedo foolishly shoot first. Â FOOOOOOL!!!!
George Lucas examines Greedo’s chin, wondering what it would be like to have 9 of them. Â little did Lucas know that he’d soon have 19 chins of his own!!
George Lucas comforts Greedo, after he found out that Greeata Jendowanian is a made up character thrown into the Return of The Jedi re-release for no good reason.  Jedi Rocks?  HARDLY!!!! shiz couldn’t make anyone jizz [SFW]
3 years too late on this, but WOAH!
Obi, juss straight-up chillin
been to that new drink spot, Jabba Juice?
Darth needs a lot of force to get this crap outta his ass cheeks
all stolen from nowhere else but Retro Star Wars!!!
Welcome to Star Warsaw, a website devoted to vintage Polish bootlegs of American Star Wars figures from the oldest Kenner series. I collected them as a child, now seriously rebuilt my collection. Only three figures presented here come from my original set, the rest is gathered during last three years.
As for now this is the third biggest collection of Polish bootlegs in the world
Polish bootlegs were produced in several waves and series during the 80’s, with one series continued until about 2000. There were 34 characters in 60 different shapes with hundreds of color variants. That makes the Polish bootlegs the most interesting group for collectors and Star Wars lovers. That makes me proud to be a Pole :)
[Star Warsaw via Rather Childish]
Peace The Forks Out
‘I Directed The Greatestest Sequel Mt EVERRRRRRest’