Tag Archives: Mark Ruffalo

Who’s Better, Who’s Best

The Kids Are All Right
Nuclear Family Unties That Bind
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Annette Bening and Julianne Moore have never shared a scene before the cameras rolled on The Kids Are Alright, but by the magic and ease (and unease) in which the two exude and put on display, as the dual dueling matriarchs of an otherwise purty conventional family with the usual midlife trappings, one would think that this is their 66th time around the block together.  Of course it would feel that way!  They are two of acting’s best, and they are as graceful as they are beautiful (which has nothing to do with anything, but it muss be said), and we’d want them to be our moms too, and even though a few brief J-Moore boob flashes are about as Mulholland Drive as it gets here, there’s little to be disappointed about in what is one of this summer’s few bright spots (although David Mamet’s daughter, with a bit part, is to acting as Yakov Smirnoff is to funny)

Credit writer/director Lisa Cholodenko (and her co-writer Stuart Blumberg), who’s a natural at making movies about natural women.  For those who have seen her Laurel Canyon or High Art, Kids is more of the same… same tough as nails lady awesomeness!!  But this isn’t only about two carpet munchers (or baggers!), cause there are kids involved! (Mia Wasikowska, who may be the future heir to Bening and Moore, and low-key, but way key Josh Hutcherson) and the gals’ anonymous sperm donor (Mark Ruffalo)!!  When the fam foursome are reunited with man who really has nothing to do with em, cept for providing his jizzy-jazz, all heaven and hell breaks loose, and instead of being a bunch of scripted and predictable hooey, it plays out as organically as the food being served on screen.  For once, the audience is served!  Bon Appétit!!

Yaya, Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out!: we’re gaga for Yaya DaCosta, and her slammin body (you get to see it in Alright, and it’s more than alright)

[more Esquire pics]

Verdictgo: Breast In Show

Kids are more than alright today  in NY/LA/CHI & SF and elsewhere elsewhen

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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