Tag Archives: Phase IV

Bass Ackwards

dude, you know Saul Bass is a graphical genius.  I’ve told you many times

dude also made some wicked awesome movie shorts, which were SOOOO wicked awesome!!!!

and in his lifetime, he made ONE feature film – Phase IV.  it didn’t do so hot with critics & moneywise at the box office, so there was no film two, but that ONE film, which I saw last nite, is equal parts BLAMMMMMMMMAZING, creepy jeepeys, crazed, and MSTK worthy material

peep thiz Zardozesque trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and look at all this & that that is in this movie.  IT’S INSANITY!!!

phas iv pillars

there are like Star Wars arcade game / Easter Island pillar things!!!

phas iv pillar2

and blue gas smoke!!!


and yellow gas smoke!!!

phas iv yellow

and ants with brains that want to unite and take over earth or something!!!

antz phase iv

and way too many ant close-ups that are WAY too close-up for comfort


and way too close to people’s eyes

ant eye    

and like shiny diamond things that shine on!!!

phase 4 diamonds

and gross $hit!!!

ant crush

and like crazy 70s acid cinema stuff

dissolve phase 4

like some super trippy funked assed sh!t!!!!!!!!!!

sun phase iv

and some of dis!!!!!!!!

phase iv 114


directed by saul bass

sorry the sun set on your filmmaking career after your ambitious, perhaps biting off more than it could chew one feature!!

and there was even an alternate ending to the movie, so ludicrously delicious, that no studio in their right mind would let it be the actual ending, and so, that there studio did NOT indeed let that be the ending, but lemme tell you, this ending is the greatest, mos mind-bendingiest ending of a movie (maybe possibly probably) EVER!!!!!!!!!!!



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