Tag Archives: Snoopy

Sucking Jay

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1
Lames: Part A Bazillion
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
PG-13 | 123 min

I don’t know why I continue to subject myself to the awfulness that is The Hunger Lames movies. THEY IS SO LAMES!!!! #1 and #2 were like giant #2s, covered with endless piles of #2s, peed on with gallons upon gallons of #1s. They be rotten apples. Even more so than the rotten apple that is The Apple

Guess what, #3, part 1 is even worsester!!!!! Gone are the games where people tried to kill each other, but lamely didn’t really, and here, in their place, are boring meetings in underground lairs, followed by more meetings, and like Gale and like snoozing, and meetings, and propaganda, and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and some dumb song and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring and boring, and some poor gifted actors handing in performances we wish we could re-gift

Way to go Hunger Lames – you killed Philip Seymour Hoffman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Verdictgo: Slit Your Eyes Out Repoopulous

Mockingjay mocks your ears and eyes and wallet at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


Needs Wees Some Slush Funds

wants these Slush Puppie jugggggs!!

but would nevers use them as soap dispensers!!

and needs this topper!!

also wants: Snoopy Sno Cone Machine

and we have no idea where or when this is, but want to take 292932919848248442 time machines to it and live there 9ever

[top link from I’m AWESOMES SITE!!!!]

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