Tag Archives: Sweaters

Sweep Child o’ Mine

OMG – SUPERMARKET SWEEP (reruns) IS BACK ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and so are David Ruprecht‘s white man Bill Cosby/Saved By The Bell opening credits sweaters!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sweating Sweaters

hate them Iggles, but these them are the hotttiest Cliff Engle sweater pics we’ve hath ever did done seen!!!

1986 Philadelpihia Eagles Sweater ads [thanks eBay]


Cliff Notes

we loath everything about faux Cliff Engle sweaters, but LOVES the idea of these faux Cliff Engle sweater HATS!!!! (only avails, thus far, in 4 team stizzles)

don’t 5get, tis never too late to start your own
Cliff Engle sweater collection


Cliff Divin’ N Cryin’

biggest boo of 2009???

faux Cliff Engle sweaters!!!
BOOOOOOOOO via Gear Patrol

seriously folks & yolks, why pay good money for sh%tty fake crap when you can pay less for the real thang!!!!! every hear of eBay? we have and now own 18+ of Cliff’s glorious wool masterpieces that will make you sweat more than Boss Hogg on a hot August afternoon!!!!!

booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos fo false pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos!!!

perviously: Cliff Maven

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