Tag Archives: Will Forte

Kitty Littered

Key and A-Peele-ing
Website | Trailers & Mo
R | 100 min


You like Key (Keegan-Michael Key) and Peele (Jordan Peele)?  Kittens?  Comedy?  Keanu Reeves?  Movies slightly over 90 minutes?  If you answer ‘yes’ to all of these questions, you are a human being living on planet earth.  If you answer ‘no’ to any of these questions then YOU BETTER CHECK YO SELF BEFORE YOU WRECK YO SELF!!!

Hello Keanu, the movie where Key and Peele get themselves into a world of trouble trying to save a kitten, by acting a fool, for the benefit of me and you.  It’s like a longform Key & Peele episode, that kinda feels like it forms juss a little too long, but you’ll laugh here and there, AND YOU WILL LAUGH, and enjoy yourself throughout!

And there’s a kitten!  And Will Forte and Method Man, and Tiffany Haddish, who is one to watch, so WATCH OUT!!

Tiffany Haddish

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

Keanu reeves it at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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Thighs Wide Telly 2015

boob tube groove tube tube tube loob… aka, here’s the best in TV, 2015

1. Restaurant Startup (CNBC)

restaurant starup faces

It’s like Shark Tank, but less annoying, and more evil, and more awesome, and food!!!!!!!!!!!!  Show was so fcuking good that I refused to watch the last episode of the 2nd season until about 3 months later, cause I couldn’t deal with the fact that season was over and that there were no new episodes to watch.  My new biggest fear in life is being insulted and yelled at by Tim Love and Joe Bastianich


2. The Jinx (HBO)


More like the BLINX, amirite???!!!  What’s truly amazing is that the director of this HBO docuseries actually made a fictionalized version of this story and it kinda wasn’t that interesting, and so he takes it and makes a longform doc out of it and it not only shocks and freaks out a (pay cable) nation, but actually does real life truth, justice – the American way!!! 


3. The Knick (Cinemax)

the knick

Granite – I only saw season 1 (which was from 2014), but this is the single greatest thing Cinemax has ever given the world.  Yes, even more betterer than soft-core porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to live in the Knick world, even though it looks like the wurstest world eversz


4. Arranged (FYI)


Arranged marriages apparently still exist – and not just for Indian couples.  FYI strikes love gold again (after Married At First Sight – our pick for best show of 2014) – following three couples in newly arranged marriages.  Yes, one of the couples is Indian, but the other Southern, and the other other Gypsy pups under 20 years of age!  You won’t get a better slice of American life than this.  And oh boy, that Gypsy couple – Christian and Maria – AND his parents – Michael and Nina – are simply the BEST BEST BEST BEST.  I pray for a spinoff for the Gypsy clan.  PLEASSSSSSSSSSSE!

5. Hanninbal (NBC)

smell hannibal

It’s either AS amazing as Silence of the Lambs the movie was or perhaps even better.  I mean, you saw that scene where they saw that dude’s head, right??? And that series finale ending, WHAT A CLIFFHANGER!!!

6. Gotham (Fox)

gotham joke

The world of Batman cannot be confined to the limits of cinema – and it has flourished in the longform of television with Gotham, which got even stronger in season 2.  The bad guys are even badder, and whoever’s casting these kids in these roles should be given the key to the city of Gotham, and have a street named after them, and stuff!!!  OMG, don’t even get me started on how super dope fly Silver St. Cloud is (and how way too young the actress who plays her is)

7. Behind The Screams (Reelz)

behiond the screma

I love movies.  I love serial killers (learning about them, not them themselves) and real-life scary sh!t.  I LOVE movies about serial killers and real life scary sh!t.  Reelz made a show that looks at the real-life stories that inspired big time scary movies – like Psycho, The Exorcist, It, and Silence of the Lambs, to name a few.  Sometimes the movies are tamer than the real life stuff!!!!!!!

8. Halt and Catch Fire (AMC)

halt catch

CTRL + ALT + DEL-ICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ anything starring Lee Pace is beyond watchable

Especially <3 Kerry Bishé!!!

kerry bishe

9. Kendra On Top (WE tv)

kendra on top

You’d think a reality show about an ex-Playboy bunny and ex-NFLer couple with martial strife wouldn’t be something deep and meaningful, but you’re thinking would completely wrong.  Kendra On Top is all about family, and the roses and warts that comes along with it.  I’ve been with Kendra since the Girls Next Door days, and what was once fun fluff, is now fun tough stuff

10. The Americans (FX)

the americans

Those wigs + Keri Russell’s butt = RED SCARES AND APPOINTING SPEWING!!!!!!!!!


11. The Last Man Earth (Fox)

last man on earth gif

last man on earth

What would you do if you were the last man on earth?  And what would Will Forte do if he was the last man on earth?  Luckily this show answers the second question, WITH ENDLESS HILARITY AND GUT-PUNCHING CRINCHING GRINNING!!!

(this ranking is for season 1 only, as 2 aint as novel and hilarious and imaginative as season 1 is/was)

12. Real World: Skeletons (MTV)


Somehow Real World won’t quit, and as humanity gets worse, so do the Real World roomies, which juss makes it all that much more entertaining.  PLUS, there was a great script flip here – skeletons from these people’s past come to live with the housemates, with often and VERY often horrible results!!! PLUS, the girl from New York’s accent, and how she says ‘garbage’ – ‘GAVAGE’

other solid forms of entertainments: 

Mad Men - can’t believe they didn’t divide the final season and air it over 5 years (instead of 2).  was actually sad to see it go, even though it felt like it was getting meh towards the end, but it really wasn’t meh at all

Married At First Sight: The First Year – the more Doug and Jamie and Courtney and Jason in my life, the better

Married At First Sight 2 – didn’t work out for our new set of couples, but it worked out entertainmentwise

Veep - Jonah and Richard = endless gold

Finding Carter - teens make dumb choices, and I can’t stop watching, but I hope teens aren’t watching 

Drunk History - hopefully there will NEVER be a last call on these

Supergirl - screw all the other super heroes.  I mean, I want to screw Supergirl.  bonus pts for making her stepmom Helen Slater and her stepdad Dean Cain!!!

Tyrant - I want this guy to dictate me

Bates Motel – things get more uncomfortable and more out of control.  it’s only a matter of time before Norman does in his mother and becomes her

Fargo  - the accents are getting old, the action aint

A Very Barry Branson – long live Greg Brady and his enthusiasm and cheesiness.  never stop being you!

Homeland - Miranda Otto = hotttt-o

Modern Family - the kids are getting older, and more sexual.  it’s both unsettling, and HOTTT

House of Cardsthis guy juss looks like such a jackass

The Affair - caught season 1.  so steamy I had to take 23949249 cold showers, and beat off in the cold showers

Louie - Civil War hero

Vice – I prefer the US stories, like the one about Alabama and their dumb racism backfiring 

Black-ish - growing less and less funny, but still worth a watch

Fresh Off The Boat - it’s more yellow than blackish, and better

Shameless - when will it end?  please let it end.  it’s too hard to bear anymore

Better Call Saul - only saw a few episodes, which I loved, and when I wanted to watch the rest – they were off of on-demand.  bastards!!!

Younger - an impossible premise, but I couldn’t care less, cause it’s so dang enjoyable

Game of Thrones - I don’t really care, but juss wanna be like everyone else, and know what everyone else is talking about

Mistresses - so bad it’s… bad!

Maron - losing its funny, but not me as a watcher

The Grinder – who doesn’t love seeing Fred Savage back on a television!!!???!?!

Under The Dome - thank gawd it’s over.  it jumped more sharks that Lost ever did, and actually makes Lost‘s endgame look less lost

Girls – still sucks, but thanks for Kylo Ren!

+ bone-yes moments

that True Detective eyes wide sluts orgy


remember Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future????????


The faces behind the Peanuts voices

the existence of MeTV, and how it gave me the will to live and love The Brady Bunch again


the theme from The Jinx


Supergirl is supercute

supergirl show

Berle & Batman

bates motel look

I went on TV on opening day and basically Nostradamusly said the Nats would fail

small wonder

Addams Family Hopefuls – Photos From The Auditions

saying so long to the lusty slutty naughty Flowers In The Attic Lifetime movies


The Monty Hall Smokin-Stokin’ Fire Brigade

spelling pinball aaron

that fat redheaded kid on True Detective

any Hallmark Christmas movie starring Alicia Witt

the surprisingly seriousness of A Deadly Adoption


Tony Kornheiser on The Americans!!!!

Kev’s brother on Derek (another winning show from Ricky G)


Knitters With Attitude!!!!

Shaq and his Shaquila (Shaq Tequila) from Fresh Off The Boat



SNL40: In Memoriam

my favorite TV performance of 2015…

anyone who pretended to be an actor on an 90s sitcom OR something by Aaron Spelling

dan as spelling

fake saget


a fond farewell to those who boldly went where no man or woman or character has gone before.  you will be missed

spock i am not2


dick van dogs


roscoe p












jim perry


al happy days


don vito






L.A. Law


gene gene dancing machine


adiós Don Francisco‘s Sábado Gigante

don francisco

Bob Schieffer faced the nation one final time

Jon Stewart says goodnight to The Daily Show

Willard Scott leaves Your Neck of The Woods


Dave Letterman goes out with a letter A, man

number 3


log lady 2


perv-iously ’14 ’13 ’12 ’11 ’10 ’09 ’07

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Plains Great

June Squibb June Squibb June Squibb June Squibb June Squibb 
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
R | 115 min


Oh .  You totally June Squibbed the squibb june out of that June Squibb performance you done did June Squibb!! June Squibb June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  bibb salad June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  Bib Fortuna June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb  June Squibb!!!!!!!!!!

june squibb

But seriously, this lovely and delightful Nebraska movie - concocted by / – is so amateurishly acted – IN A GREAT WAY, and soaked in such luscious black and white palettesz, where the gorgeous great plains cinematography juss makes you wanna take yer pants off and JO to the background, or piss on it, like the main characters done do did.  And oh man, that  guy is so dang cranky, and aloof, and feisty, and fun.  And oh man, that , he be so good as the straight-man to all the geriatric antics goings-on.  Man, oh man, this movie’s wrap party musta been insane – everyone wetting their Depends and in bed by 5pm!  Good job Will Forte.  You really made it.  You are so quiet but makes such a commotion.  Blesses you

Speaking of June Squibb, Mr Pibb should marry her and let her have a drink called Ms Squibb

Verdictgo: Jeepers Mos Def Worth A Peepers

Nebraska husks corn at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

1 Comment

Carry On My Wayward
Richard Dean Anderson

Forte Winks
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

MacGruber is Saturday Night Live‘s first skit turned big screen adventure released in over a decade, and it happens to be the funniest one since Wayne’s World.  Granite, we didn’t bother seeing any of the flicks that came between the two (ok, we saw Wayne’s World 2), but we’re gonna venture a logical guess that none of them were even remotely good or co-starred Powers Boothe or Val Kilmer.  MacGruber as a skit was overly repetitive and mildly amusing at best, but as a 90ish minute feature, it worked well enuff, even with the new, dirtier jokes getting recycled several times over.  And as an action movie, it wasn’t half bad neither!  Credit Will Forte and Kristen Wiig (and Ryan Phillippe?), who put a serious face on some not so serious bidness, and to SNL for not giving up on their characters, which have always been their bread and butter.  Here’s hoping that Lorenzo McIntosh gets his named called up to the big leagues/screens next

Our Forte: our mos flavorite Will Forte bit doesn’t hail from SNL, but from Flight of The Conchords, as an aspiring actor/dry cleaner and record producer Mr. Gucci

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

MacGruber is currently playing at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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