And The NextMrs Thigh Master Is…
After some grueling months of campaigning and cat fights, you, the people and readers of, have chosen my next wife. Here are the results from wurstest to breastest:
Meeshawn Barton Fink
Mrs Dairy King/Burger Queen
And surprisingly, a whopping 27% of the peoples wish I would bury the hatchet with My Former Mustache (it could probably scrounge up more votes for US Prez than Ralph Nadermeyer)

You all should have yer head eggzamined!
And with 45% of electric company college vote, the woman who I will take great pleasure in procreating with until I’m Thighs Wide Done is none other than Her Royal Thighness, the former Tween Dream Queen, and now every 14-39-year-old male’s wet dream, yep, LL

Pic stolen from our berry good fiends over at f.u.b.a.r.
Thanks for voting and be sure to weigh in on our new poll!