Rod Langway or The Highway
game 7 is so on
& will be beyond thunderdome
so shut yer yap missie!
(this is what yer missing if you don’t follow us on Tweeterdums)
we take back what hate we said
but not our love for all the things she said
our ye old love for the not so ye olde Warshington Crapitals hath returns big thyme, a lil less than 20 years after our hearts were brokens by the Bruins sweep of the Caps in their first ever conference finals appearance. tis amazing what a fair amount of fair weather & a guy who looks like Richard Keil can do to heal one’s shattered aorta. even if the Craps lose on Wednesday to ye olde Patrick Division foe/ho, the Pens, we’re totes back as corehard NHL fans. doesn’t mean we’re gonna watch the regular season cause we have morer important things to do, like fall in love with a robot, but it does means we’ll be thinking about (belovedededed ex-Caps goalie) Clint Malarchuk’s jugular more often than we used to. gawd bless you Craps, and you @OvieWan, who never gave up on them, even during those dark days when they wore those whoreriffic alternate black jerseys with the capitol building on it. we thank you for your rub-offable fandimonium and for reminding us that reals sports eggsist in May… and for the eggcuse to eat grandma pizza multiple times in a week