Friday, November 2
yep, I barelyzzzz stayed awake last night attending my first live hockey game in probably a decade. and why was I so nonplussed and totally not nonminussed? the key word yer looking for is in the title above, 'broke', cause as everyone knows, that's what the NHL and hockey have been in America for quite sum time. sum blame the lock-out of the '004-'005 season, but I could care less about such snoozeshenanigans as my true love was lost sometime shortly after the '89-'90 campaign, when my once beloved Washington Capitals got swept in the Wales Conference Finals by the Bruins. I did heart hockey for a few years after that, spanks to endless sot poking in my parents basement whilst playing NHL '94 to the wee hours, but when college beckoned, it was more over than Bonkers candy. I don't really know what the point of all this spewing is, but I think I juss really miss the glory days of Caps hockey and the dumphole that was the Capital Centre. sorry kids, but not even that new logo that Corky designed is gonna win me back. and with nothing more to spray, this note is for you, my former heroes of zero: Dino Ciccarelli, Geoff Courtnall, Dale Hunter, Kelly Miller, Mike Ridley, Michal Pivonka, John Druce, Calle Johansson, Kevin Hatcher, Nick Kypreos, Don Beaupre, Neil Sheehy, Rod Langway, Alan May, Olaf Kolzig (amazingly still on the team!), Bob Gould, Gaetan Duchesne, Steve Leach, Al Iafrate, Craig Laughlin, Dmitri Khristich, Grant Ledyard, Scott Stevens, Bengt Gustafsson, Mike Gartner, Lou Franceschetti, Larry Murphy, Pete Peeters, and my all time fav...
 Clint Malarchuk (pre-throat slit)