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Breast Feeding Frenzy

If I could trade hands and a mouth with one person, it would have to be Nancy O’Dell’s baby girl‘szszzszzz

[mo snaps]

having sex with Sharapova is like having sex with a ‘dead frog

American Dreamzzzz cum true part II: the GZA performing Liquid Swords in tits entirety, finally, in my neck of the woods [Lover of Pâté]

the only good thang that became of Kubrick’s death: DVDs with actual extras!

photos from The Dark Knight set, which still includes a Gotham City that looks nothing like Gotham City [Pakula Shaker]

Disney & George Lucas in bed together again. No relation to Faptooine

HBO renews Conchords, and sadly Entourage. Hopefully this will mean more Mel and more of Anna Faris’ magically enhanced lips? Speaking of the ‘chords, how dumbcredible was ‘The Prince of Parties’ ditty from last night’s show?

liev this baby alone!

Alex Trebek cusses, with mustache in tow!

Separated At Birth: Borat & young Amy Winehouse

pimps of sneakers

Rare Mark Rypien Zubaz Hat

Hurriace Howard Dean

& knock-offs worth beating off to:

Shockwave mp3


Dancetaria His and Hersteria

Junior Senior
& Gravy Train!!!!
Highline Ballroom
August 13th


We already told ya about Junior Senior’s hot new/old album and hot new EP (check out ‘Headphones Song‘ [WMP Stream], the jam of the year) and we already told ya about the last time we sawsz thems, but what we have yet to tell ya about is what transpired last nite where many a coco boys and coco girls perspired shaking their coconuts. It’s hard to put into words, but lettuce juss say that when a show opens with a viking lard-a$$ jumping on stage to beer bong it up, pile driver a keyboardist and dole out sloppy wet man kisses, ya juss know it’s gonna be one for the memory banks! And oh yeah, all that fatty arbucklin’ had nuttin to do with Jr Sr, cause it all happened under the thumcredible gayey gayness that is Gravy Train!!!!, which seems to be the only band in the world that could possibly open for our yummy Danish friends


A hard act to follow on any planet, but Senior (Jeppe Laursen) and Junior (Jesper Mortensen) were up to the task, with a setlist mos friendly towards their funmazin debut D-D-Don’t Stop the Beat. While I prayed in vain for the two B-52 bitties to make a cameo and sing ‘Take My Time’ with the boys, we were at least treated to JD from Le Tigre joinin in on ‘Can I Get Get Get’. Junior Senior only played for an hour, but it seemed to be a lifetime as our feet never ceased moving. Whatta purrfect follow-up to the Daft madness that happened last week. Now if only someone would gather those two bands + Air, the Chem Bros, Roysksopp, Basement Jaxx and Ladytron and have them all tour together to end all tours. Now that’s what I call music!

Susic Mobbery was there and has even mo hot viking pics

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Your Showman of Shows

Final Jeopardy!
Griffin, Jr.

1925 – 2007

the 14 second theme song for Jeopardy! is hactually called ‘Think!’ [d], which accordin to Wiki was originally composed as ‘A Time for Tony’ by Merv as a lullaby for his son
Merv hosts The Price Is Right?
Merv hates zipperheads
Merv hearts Oingo Boingo
Merv is the elevator killer
Merv’s the conductor on the
’85 TV versh of Alice In Wonderland

Whitney Houston’s debut on his show
Pat Paulsen censored blackface bit
that never aired

Merv Griffin Enterprises 1986 Logo
Merv Griffin Enterprises 1993 Logo
Nancy Zerg bestsesez Ken Jennings
Kramer reconstructs
the Merv Griffin set in his apt

Weird Al ‘Lost On Jeopardy’
Other famous men of TKE
Merv’s ‘Screemin’ Meemies From Planet X’ [d]
Vanna White lamely NSFW
in a 1987 issue o Playboy


one of the finestest YTMNDawgs
of balls thyme

+ Peace offerings fo

Blow-Uper blown out
cased closed for Brown vs BOEr
all sad Monday’s for
Manchester’s music madman

Lee’s boots no longer walkin
Doctor Zhivago greenlighter
sees the stop light

end of a ‘Generation’
for this Pepsi ad man

Houseboater foreclosed on
Anne Rice’s sister dismissedstered
Playhouse 90 playa housed
acoustician goes silent
Dr. Lao seven face maker meets his
from the 24-hour beauty parlor
to the funeral parlor

jazzer plays last note
book closed on textbook expert
internets honey

the PET Computer
before her
goes from 1s & 0s
to less than zero


Lobot Highbot

Daft Punk
Keyspan Park
Coney Island
August 9th

I finally got an answer to that age olde question that has been plaguing scienastrologists for ages: What kinda concert do two French robots put on? Happarently one of the most RAWKinest ones mt EVERest and mt BLANC! With the imagery of Tron, THX-1138, the Star Wars arcade game, Intel, and the Masons, Daft Punk pieced together the mos bananas and grapefruit ear and eyegasams of this new century! While they may only be two dudes juss twiddling knobs to pre-recorded music inside a pyramid, I still wouldn’t trade the eggspeareance in for 17 live Jimi Hendrix guitar solos. Wait, what the hell am I saying? Anyblaze, the non-stop mix they played got the usually tame/lame NYCers toe tappinin and hands clapinin from the get go to the get end. I mean, they may be robots, but they is human after all!

looks like the only thing I missed out on all night was this NSFW subway ride!

and oh yeah, the other nite at the Beacon, we totally JOed to Chris Isaak, juss like it was the ’06

and oh yeah, schlappy 75th bursday LEGO!


Make No Mistake By This Lake

finally, there’s a reason to visit Cleveland!
(well, other than for buying cases of stadium mustard)

the Christmas Story house

restored to its filmtastic glory

Jake Gyllenhaal to kiss Suzy Kolber?

I aint no Trekkie, but this might go down as one of the mos on-pointestist casting calls of balls thyme

Falkor’s Sister lesbian dancing on the set of the t.A.T.u. flick and a big fan of fruit-roll up dresses

The 2nd Ave Deli hated old people, and apparently still hates the idea of being open for bidness

Warhol vs Bansky

who wouldn’t want to go Downes on Katie? [NSFW]

André Gower digs up sum mo Monster Squad deleted scenes that didn’t make it onto the recent DVD set

speaking on DVDs, why the hell was I not alerted about the Voyagers! box set? Don’t know what I’m talkin about? It’s a show like Quantum Leap, cept less lame and less Bakulariffic. Breast In Peace Jon-Erik Hexum!!

to hell with the Alamo, cause you should never forget when Bea Arthur & Star Wars joined forces for the first and last thyme

also, never forget the Big Johnson t-shirt craze

finestestest way to waste 13 minutes: Google Image search the TWS dot WHOREg

is it football season yet? for this Redskins fan, he never has to ask such a question [Roachclip]

If I could captain one boat, it would be De Pannenkoekenboot (for you idjiots who can’t finger it out tis a Pancake Boat!!) [Ad Mich]

Rygar glitches

it’s no Red Sauce on Pasta, but it’ll do

[Wrestle wit Jimmy, which is kinda NSFW]

and if for those still knot in the knows, The Flight of the Conchords are truly the kneessszz beeszzz. While Tenacious D are kinda funny, these Kiwis are kinda the fourth bestest comedic musical group mt EVERest, behind Weird Al, Spinal Tap and the unintentionally hilariousnessness of Rockapella. Anywho, in anticipation of a full album due out on Sub Pop in the ’08, a small lil 6 song EP was released today called The Distant Future. It includes studio versions of ‘Business Time‘, ‘If You’re Into It‘ & ‘Not Crying‘ + live rendishes of ‘The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room‘ & ‘Robots‘. A muss have for any Conchords fan (I hear Mel camped out for 8 months), cause even without the videos, the songs shine on their own when you juss focus on the music

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