Who doesn't love a good Danish? Personally, you can't go wrong with Entenmann's Danish Walnut Ring, but I prefer the sweet sweet sounds of Junior Senior juss a wee bit mo. Oh yeah, remember them? Well, next Tuesday the follow-up to their insta-classic D-D-Don't Don't Stop the Beat, Hey Hey My My Yo Yo, finally gets a US release

Shiz has been around since the '05 (their thumcredible ditty with the B-52 ladies 'Take My Time' [
vid] even made our
best of list for that year!), but to make up for the delay, some come with a limited edish 7-song EP,
Say Hello, Wave GoodbyeBut wait folks, there be more! They is touring and it's a show not to be missed. How do we know? Well, we caught them
at the Merc Lounge back in the '05 tis was so rawkin that we're catchin em again next week too!
And so can you! I got a pair of tickets to give away to the NYC show. All ya gotta do is
tell me whom you think the greatestest Junior/Senior combo is and why. For example, me thinks Professor Henry Jones, Sr. and his son Dr. Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr. are the knees beez cause they both banged
the same Nazi chick!
Here's the rest of the dates
that you should make a date for
08/10 New Orleans, LA - Ryko Convention (Tipitina’s Uptown)
08/11 Boston, MA - Middle East
08/13 New York, NY - Highline Ballroom
08/15 Los Angeles, CA - Roxy
08/16 San Francisco, CA - Popscene