Just Jack
Hiro Ballroom
July 31st

The title of this here posting is our personal response to the line '
Don't know yet if I'm glad I came' from
Just Jack's chillicious 'Writer's Block' ditty [
d]. But what about you, were you glad that you came to JJ's US debut at the Hiro Ballroom? I know you don't have an answer cause ewe didn't
listen to us and decided that JOing to
Shark Week was a butter use of yer time. Well buster poindexter and yer laboratory, you missed out (but
you LA people have a chance 2 catch him 2nite) cause Just Jack (although it wasn't just him alone up there on stage rizockin out) honed his skillz and owned the room, in what was purty much a 'showcase' leading up to the stateside release of his mos groovy groovy LP

The last time we were at Hiro for a showcase showdown, twas
Lily Allen making a Hotlantic splash, but even though she was still wet behind her ears and between her thighs, her rise to the top was inevitable. The same can't be said for Just Jack, which is a cryin shame considering his show was much more polished, hand clappin'in, and all around mo fun than watching Shark Week with
Jerry Tarkanian. I don't know what more I can say to convince you that JJ, like Penny Lane, belongs in your ears and in your eyes, so I'll juss leave it as this: our thighs don't lieszZs