Tag Archives: Passover

Ride or Dayenu

Coney Island Passover – April 1978, a Passover festival at Astroland, a space-themed amusement park that was a fixture on Coney Island’s boardwalk for years. During the 2-day celebration, about 10,000 Jewish park-goers “took over the park, rode the rides and ate at special Kosher concessions,” The New York Times reported


Cecil B. DeMiller’s Crossing

bestest movie mt EVERest and mt sinai?

no, BREASTest movie mt EVERest and mt sinai and mt st mary’s

we’re going to invent usselfves a time machine so we can get our son siring on with Anne Baxter, even if that firstborn son will be killed by Moseses’ Gawd

we still miss you Chuck!

The 15 Commandments

Awesome Gawd


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