He Can’t Hate These Cans
We Stand/Uncle Sam Canorama

7UP’s 1979 America’s
Turning 7UP Canorama
[Davide Andreani’s Coke Page | USA Soda]
Canoramas > Cycloramas > Dioramas > St Louis Rams
7UP’s 1979 America’s
Turning 7UP Canorama
[Davide Andreani’s Coke Page | USA Soda]
Canoramas > Cycloramas > Dioramas > St Louis Rams
Don’t worry bout a thing lil Sasha Cohen, my sweet tits breasts anus naked butt thighs nude vagina hot camel toe poon tang clan heroes in a half shell pics (sorry, that’s purely for Googling purposes), Michelle Kwan still blows
Waffle House to Start Taking Credit Cards [via Brawny Man]
What’s next, horse on Venus?
Bestest actor who isn’t named Joseph Gordon-Levitt, yet has the bestest name: Burn Gorman. Where to catch em if you can: as that guy in Layer Cake and as Kenge and Carboys’ clouseauish clerk Guppy (another bestest name) from BBC’s Bleak House, which sadly will turn my house bleak wheneth it ends this Sunday on PBS. Seriously yo, I know it looks boring and stuff, like most things before 1950, but you should totally Netflix em when they are ready for Netflix. I mean, it don’t got much better than unsung underground secret future super hotness cuttie cute ness pie Carey Mulligan, dudes with crazy facial hair, smallpox, Wedge as John Jarndyce (I may juss have to change my name to Banning Cocq John Jarndyce the IVIIXXICLM of Westphalia), Janine Evans (nee Butcher), a 2006 inductee of the SAG-HOF (Screen Asshole Guild – Hall of Fame), a dude named Smallweed, a dude named Clamb, and GUPPY!!! Charles Dickens may have hated Jews, but he certainly had a way with names! GUPPY!!
Hairparently, they love stealing my snaps of Natty Lite tall boys (from ThighsBart’s B-Day) over there in Persia
All he wants is $2
And anyone else out thar ever wonder what woulda happened had Al Gore become president like he rightfully should of New Coke triumphed in the Cola Wars? Yeah, what if? And what if Theo Ratliff ate out Heathcliff (or that purty kitty Riff Raff used to bang)? Maybe NC pitchman Max Headroom woulda gotten head from Hedda Hopper‘s love child with Glenne Headly and Hedy Lamarr!!
1985 > 2006
I need to guzzle one of dem dere cans, yesterday!!