A Pat On The Back
• How very Passoveresque of you Pat! And OH how I’ve missed you and yer antics sweet-teats! Anywho, I would pay 7 zillion dollars to be at the taping of his Dr Phil appearance where I’m sure he’ll cry and tell em he wants to lick his a$$. And anyone wanna take bets(y) on how long it takes him to hunt me down and beat me up with his MUSTache cause me & the Tom Welling Fan Club Prez drummed up the world’s greatestest remix known to man (but not to woman)? Btw, if yer lost on this whole Pat O’ thang, click here.
• Rupert Grint, so f$%ing HOT?
• Richard Pryor, not dead.
• Prince William, rougher than thou!
• Gotta love Liam Gallagher
• Snoozearamafest ’05!
• What’s lame-ier than Kevin Smith cooking lunch for Zach Braff? Zach Braff possib mc nabbing the role of Fletch in Kevin Smith’s version that he’s cooking.
• Ice Ice Gacy?
• Woody & Scarlett. That would make a great name for something, like a law firm, department store, or my two testicles. BTW- why does Scarlett J look like a cat? [via Ache Tongue]
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• Boris Becker produced a mini-him in ‘five seconds’?
• Is the Serenity trailer the new Starship Troopers trailer? Both contain text, semi-bootleg lookin special F/X, k-list actors (sans Chiwetel Ejiofor), and killah music of the time, Serenity: Kasabian’s ‘Club Foot’ and Starship Troopers: Blur’s ‘Song 2’, from the 2nd verision of the trailer, which I couldn’t find. Anywho, since I love switching topics… I cantz bee leave that on my burstday circa 1997 I choose to see the Mr. Bean flick instead of the bug movie to end all bug movies. Soddly enuff, I finally saw it on the big screen in early ’98, whilst on vacation in CYPRUS! WHAAWQ#!@T???
• Enjoy WhoWantsToSexMutombo?.com whilst u still can-can, cause purty soon, the party will be over.
• Guess The Google
• This is cool [via Mustard King of Cavsland]
• Federal Agents Found & Destroyed 845 Pounds of Bologna & 100 Pounds of Cheese Someone Smuggled Into The United States From Mexico [via Mr Poon]
• The coolest 5 guys from the 80s [via Scamboogah!]
• Eyes wide open! [via Zach de la Roachclip]