House of Wax Dat A$$

• So what happens the day after I tell Cuthy about my sexploits and thighersizzing with Ivanka? She goes and stars in a movie with that so-called ‘hunk’ Chad Michael Jerry Albert Calvin Murray, and has been fiddilin’ about with some guy named Trace. Is that even a name or is that a verb. At least my name is a noun, proper and regular stizz. Why are you doing this to me Cuthbest?? I guess I’ll juss have to follow you everywhere you go. Even for the promotional stuff, with corn and sunglasses in tow. [for more on Teen Vogue visit Not The Subway Guy, via A-Baby!]

• Pretty In Pink 2: Duckie’s Revenge was all a hoax? [via Witzy]
• Damon cries in the name of the Kaiser Chiefs. Speaking of, they were listed on the mega-bill with the Killers, Keane, etc, for the June show at Merriweather Post Pavilion, but aint on the Ticketbastard page. Anywho, the tix for the go sale Saturday. Maybe I should go to this. I mean, the last time I was there was to see the Wu-Tang Clan back in 1643. My friend Raykwan drank so much, he puked here, there, and everywhere, and was hugging a tree by night’s end.
• It better be called 3 Fast, 3 Furious OR ELSE!
• Does this mean we’ll be forced to see Rampling’s jungle of a bush again?
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• The Thrills demanded to know ‘What Ever Happened to Corey Haim‘, well, after looking at this pic and watching this interview, they may wanna withdrawl that question. I feel so bad for the guy, but hey, if Gus van Sant ever decided to make a shot for shot remake of The Goonies, he could always cast him as Chunk, and let Vince Vaughn play Sloth. Anywho, wanna remember happier, leaner times for the Haimster? Click here and go past Frank & Pat. [via MerWiz]
• Sorry lizadies, but Alan Thicke is off the market, AGAIN.
• This is almost as painful to watch as any J-Lo movie. [via Ceffle Diddle Daddle]
• 99% Plastic & 1% Woman, and 2112% pointless.
• It’s no Hasslecrotch, but good enuff. [via Xerofall]
• Driver’s Nose Broken By Frozen Sausage
• Ron Mexico Name Generator & A blog dedicated to aeiral Google Maps [vias Gorilla Mozilla]
• Oh, and for those who care about such thangs, by the time I finished writin’ this post, me & the Mrs. kissed and made up. We also licked each other’s grundles for 3 straight and gay hours. After that, we moseyed on over to Popeyes for a 10-piece dark meat dinner special. We also had time post-grease fest to go to Sears and get a portrait dunn up with some of our closest friends: Pat, Numma Newms, Bud, Paris, and even the Kid. We truly are the luckiest people in the world.