Hot Fuzz
Much Buzz
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What the world needs now, is love laffs, sweet love laffs. Unfortchenetlee, we cannot count on our New World brethren to help in this effort. Too many weeks go by with some new refarted American comedy being forced into every cineplex odeon across the land. Even the ones that are suppose to be or that are supposedly good, never end up that way, at least in my mind. Den it’s a damn fine thang that the British are having a comedy renaissance and us peeps on this side of the pond are beginning to eat it up. There’s been a huge void ever since Monty Python’s circus flew away (and no, cheeky Hugh Grant flicks don’t count), but spanks to such hotness as Sacha Baron Cohen and Ricky Gervais, these Limeys are here to challenge the poop that the poop factories have been pooping out. While plenty other Brits are making a name for themselves back home, most of them have not yet hit up our radar screens. Gruesome twosome actor/writer Simon Pegg & director/writer Edgar Wright are mere steps away from being blips on our screens to becoming full blown Hollywurst playas like Ricky & Ali G
Pegg & Wright made quite the international splash with their rom-zom-com Shaun of the Dead, and the splash, as well as the laffs are much munch bigger with their hilarious Hollywood action movie send-up, Hot Fuzz. Armed with a lotta guns, a lotta fun, and quite an impressive cast (Jim Broadbent, Timothy Dalton, Paddy Considine, Cato & Pompey Magnus and many many many others!), Pegg & Wright hand in what will arguably be the funniest film of the year. While some dramas run long at 2 hours, most comedies run too too long at 1 hour. Clockin in at 2 hours, Fuzz never loses its buzz at all, spanks in part to the yucks provided by Pegg’s cuddly BFF Nick Frost and the sirprizingly engaging Wicker Manish storyline that keeps this shiz hotter than a Pat O’Brien voicemail message
CameOH Snap!: look out for LOTRingers Cate Blanchett (Pegg’s ex) and Peter Jackson (Santa)
What’s All The ‘Fuzz’ About: Ask Yahoo! hexplains how police got the nickname ‘fuzz’
John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Breast In Show•
La Doublure (The Valet)
Stuck Somewhere Between Neutral and Reverse
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While the British are off fighting the war of US comedic dominance, the French are once again basically no help to anyone but themselves. In their native tongue, they excel in romance, occasionally thrillers, but rarely do their comedies, I mean comédies, strike a universal chord with our shallow hearts. Writer/director Francis Veber is king of French comédies, but that might not mean anything to you and me. Well, what if I told you that the Oscar nominated Veber is king when it comes to having his work remade into successful Hollywood fare? Ever hear of The Birdcage, The Toy, The Man with One Red Shoe, Quick Change and/or Three Fugitives? If yer a fan of any of those, and I’m sure yer a fan of multiple of dems, then you have Verber to thank
Verber’s latest, The Valet, sounds great on paper, but as we all know by now, films aren’t made on paper. Hell, most of them aren’t even made on film anymore! The Valet centers around an outta luck shlub (I’ll give you one penny if you can guess his occupation) who, through circumstances and circumcisions not worth getting into, gets mixed up in one rich man’s affair affairs. In order for said rich man to carry on said affair and not have his sugar mommy of a wife find out, the shlub is hired to act as the boyfriend of the affairette. The affairette is a knock-out model, and since he’s a shlub, hijinks should boviously ensue. By the time that ball gets rolling, the film basically ends, leaving us with less chuckles than a bag of Chuckles. Spankfully The Valet is set to be remade by the Bros Farrelly. While they themselves have been hit or miss as of late, it’s still a purty solid bet that their version will utilize the comedic potential far butter than it’s Frenchie older brother
Unsatisfied with this? forget about the laffs and get serious by Netflixing the single greatestest french movie of the past 15 years, Mathieu Kassovitz’s beyond brills La Haine [trailer]
Van HOT Damn!: whilst wees was darn wet between our thighs watchin Virginie Ledoyen on the big screen again, our eyes got even more wettter peering at Alice Taglioni, although unfortch not in NSFW mode this go around

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badges•
until next thyme the balcony is clothed…
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