Dancetaria His and Hersteria
Junior Senior
& Gravy Train!!!!
Highline Ballroom
August 13th

We already told ya about Junior Senior’s hot new/old album and hot new EP (check out ‘Headphones Song‘ [WMP Stream], the jam of the year) and we already told ya about the last time we sawsz thems, but what we have yet to tell ya about is what transpired last nite where many a coco boys and coco girls perspired shaking their coconuts. It’s hard to put into words, but lettuce juss say that when a show opens with a viking lard-a$$ jumping on stage to beer bong it up, pile driver a keyboardist and dole out sloppy wet man kisses, ya juss know it’s gonna be one for the memory banks! And oh yeah, all that fatty arbucklin’ had nuttin to do with Jr Sr, cause it all happened under the thumcredible gayey gayness that is Gravy Train!!!!, which seems to be the only band in the world that could possibly open for our yummy Danish friends

A hard act to follow on any planet, but Senior (Jeppe Laursen) and Junior (Jesper Mortensen) were up to the task, with a setlist mos friendly towards their funmazin debut D-D-Don’t Stop the Beat. While I prayed in vain for the two B-52 bitties to make a cameo and sing ‘Take My Time’ with the boys, we were at least treated to JD from Le Tigre joinin in on ‘Can I Get Get Get’. Junior Senior only played for an hour, but it seemed to be a lifetime as our feet never ceased moving. Whatta purrfect follow-up to the Daft madness that happened last week. Now if only someone would gather those two bands + Air, the Chem Bros, Roysksopp, Basement Jaxx and Ladytron and have them all tour together to end all tours. Now that’s what I call music!
Susic Mobbery was there and has even mo hot viking pics
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