Anyone for 2nds?
when things die
they usually don’t come back to life
unless wees talkins about Jesus
or Patrick Dempsey’s acting career
and so when the 2nd Ave Deli
shut it doors in early 2006
we thought for sure
that the end of days was a coming
cause no other deli in the world
ever came close to matchin its yumcredibleness
but life is full of sirprizes
like those warts we found on yer dad’s cock
and the rebirth of the 2nd Ave Deli…
on 33rd St, near 3rd Ave

and the verdict from our opening night visit?
Kosherlicious to the creme de menthe degree
version 2.0 may be a bit leaner and cleaner
but to us it felt, smelt
and mos importantly, tasted
juss like the spot on 2nd and 10th
where we spent many a glorious
family visits
and all around late nite drunken noshing
since we first arrived in NYC back in the ’99
welcome back ole buddy
and if you ever leave us again
there will be blood!
From The Thighchive:
the closing was all Lohan’s fault
St Elsewhere:
an interview with new owner Jeremy Lebewohl
a video piece on the resurrection
Al Goldstein trades porn for a different kind of salami