Dingy Moore's Beef Stew
Capitalism: A Love Story
Moore of The Same, And That Aint Such A Bad Thang Whatsoever
Trailers & Mo | Official Website
Like with White Castle hamburgers, you either love Michael Moore or you flat out hate him. There is no inbetween. One’s opinion on the muckraking filmmaker can easily change from documentary to documentary, as it has for us, hearting him like mad for raising very valid questions in Columbine and SiCKO, and despising him for Fahrenheit 9/11, which did nothing cept preach to an already harping choir. With his latest, Capitalism: A Love Story, we’re once again bitten, and forever smitten. It tackles a lot of the same finical collapse territory explored in last month’s American Casino doc (+ returning to the land of Roger & Me, and sum parting shots at his boy GW Bush), but since he’s a man of and for the people, his doc is a lot less heady academia and much more plebeian. Therefore it’s a lot more accessible, and since it’s a Michael Moore piece o’ work, it’s wholeheartedly entertaining too (the ye olde archive films utilized here are tres bestest). One minute you’re horrified, the next you’re belting out some laughs, and in a another yer holding back the tears (the stories about companies taking out life insurance policies on their own employees and then basically rooting for them to die is particularly tough on the psyche). Love em or hate em, you have to admit that we as a country need more people like Michael Moore, even if he’s pointing out obvious truths, and even if he does so in the most annoying ways possible. Capitalism‘s strokes my be broad, but looking at the complete picture, it’s an absolute triumph, insult, dog!
Whoop That Hat Trick: finally, thanks to this conjoined twins post, we finally learn what’s under MM’s hat…
bi the gay, think there should be a websight dedicated to all the hats his wears. someone get on it!
Verdictgo: Breast In Show
Capitalism is currently playing in select theaters across this still great country
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…
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