Medicine For Melancholy
Prescription Fulfilled
Trailers & Mo | Official Website
Did you see last year’s darling In Search of A Midnight Kiss? Didn’t sphinx so (cause if you did there’d be a lot mo Sara Simmonds fan sites out there!), but if you did (then where are all these Sara Simmonds fan sites?), you’ll probably find it quite similar to Medicine for Melancholy, and that’s dos mefinitely a good thing. Both films seep with hip boys and cutie pie girls searching for love and understanding on the left coast, and are presented with the lowest of lo-fi/budget aesthetics that a budding filmmaker’s credit card can take them (think Clerks, with more class and a lot less of Kevin Smith’s ass humor). The major differences between the films be that the one night stand occurs at the beginning of M4M, not at the end, and the action (and by action we mean endless witty banter, besides the action betwixt the sheets) takes place in and around San Fran, a bit more of a cerebral locale than Los Angeles’ could ever be (maybe that’s why the great See’s Candies started in LA, but ultimately HQed in SF). Also the kids in Kiss are white, and in M4M, they aint, and its this distinction that ultimately makes it the better of the two (being white totally blows these days)
Our pretty young XX & XYer are reserved, yet smiley Jo (newcomer/yummer Tracey Heggins, see below) and bitter, but chillaxed Micah (Wyatt Cenac, a Daily Shower). As we sprayed before, they have a single evening fling, which is followed by a morning of coffee and awkwardness. Micah wants to explore her some more, and after she leaves her purse in a cab, he returns it and returns to her life. At first she’s as cold as Mr Freeze’s blue balls on a January morning in Siberia, but is soon warmed to his charm and the fact that she likes to ride bikes too. They go around town, taking in culture, and then indoors to take in each other, all while the conversation goes deeper. San Francisco’s a glorious place, renowned for its liberal and ethnically varied ways and population, but what isn’t really known is how the Black community has drastically dwindled over the years. Gentrification is a bitch (and sadly sometimes a necessary one), and Micah doesn’t want Jo, a woman who’s been a bit gentrified herself, to forget it or her roots. They say that black is beautiful, and this lil gem shot in grainy black & white is certainly beautiful too. You’re beautiful too too, and if you don’t believe us, juss ask your mother
The Tasty Tracey Fragmints: huggies for Heggins!!
Verdictgo: Jeepers Dos Mef Worth A Peepers
You Don’t Mess With The Qui-Gon Jinn Rummy
Trailers & Mo | Official Website
Liam Neeson‘s annoying daughter (played by the annoying Maggie Grace) gets TAKEN!!! IN FRANCE!!! And will soon be sold into the ALBANIAN SLAVE TRADE (OH NO, NOT THE ALBANIANS!!!!)!!! and Liam Neeson’s not gonna let that happen!!! Please don’t confuse this movie with the Steven Spielbergo presented Taken, but feel free to confuse it with the Harrison Ford goes looking for his missing wife in France movie Frantic or the Kevin Kline hunts down slave traders movie Trade, cause it’s like those two movies combined, but this one’s got Qui-Gon Jinn and he’s totally pissed (for being the star of Darkman) and has a background in hurting people, cept he aint got a lightsaber or that shitty facial hair, but that won’t stop him from getting back his daughter (we were kinda wishing that the police found his daughter and handed the girl over to Liam, but it turns out that it isn’t his daughter and then he screams for the next hour how this girl isn’t his daughter and if that was the case than Liam Neeson would also pointlessly get an Oscar nom like Angelina Jolie did for the pootastic, lesser Clint Eastwood film The Changeling… to hell with The Dark Knight and Wall*E cause GRAN TORINO WAZ OSCAR HOSED THE MOSTEST PEOPLES!!!). Q-G Jinn goes around Paris kicking a$$ and refusing to speak anything but English, and it totally feels like we’re watching some semi-crummy fun action movie from the 80s (although it’s more bourne with another movie’s identity) , and that’s fine with us. There’s nothing new here, but we missed seeing Qui-Gon kick a$$, so it was nice to see Qui-Gon kick a$$, and it didn’t hurt that this lovely lady was briefly in the film (although not in the France part, where the nekkid ladies dance)….
Holly HOLY: she’s appeared in mooovies before (none that we’ve seen) and we’ve covered her bases as well (esp in our wettest of wet dreams), but we’re always lookin for an eggscuse to post a Holly Valance snapppage (or make a Neil Diamond ref)
Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers
Melancholy opens in NY only, while Taken opens thighs wide today
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…
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